We had 30 OGs and their spouses in attendance and the deliberations took place on the top terrace (there are two of them!) of Colin's beautiful home. I am sure there will be plenty of pictures of the Executive Committee meeting online soon enough. The cold surprised me who always thought I knew the weather in Ketti better than I knew the weather in Chennai! It was biting cold that evening and I even overheard somebody say he had trouble taking a pee because he couldn't find his member! The bon homie between old school buddies was to die for - we had a great time getting together and lots of very useful discussions were had on the sidelines too because there were quite a few Board members in attendance.
Congratulations to Colin and Geeta for selecting such a lovely place for a retirement abode - can only say I will always envy you for the great views you have of my favorite valley. Attached are a few pictures of the flora of Ketti Valley which is another thing that draws me to this beautiful valley. By the way, quite a few folks have asked me what the common name of those ubiquitous yellow paper flowers found all over the upper Nilgiris is - it is Bracteantha bracteata - it obviously presents in more than just the yellow form, its available in white, pink, bronze and even cream colours - a picture of the white specimen may be found below.

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