Its past mid-January in the year 20-10 - it almost seems like we were ringing in the new year just yesterday and here we are already two weeks into the second decade of the 2nd millennium! I guess when you get to the top of the hill its pretty fast going when you are heading down hill! Life never seemed to rocket by so soon before I was 50!!
Its also the impending engagement and marriage of the daughter that seems to make time want to rush by, I feel. In another 13 days Ammu will be engaged and a few months on and she'll be married! Somehow I don't feel old enough to be a father-in-law - this fact dawned upon me only yesterday when I spoke with a distant cousin in Mumbai who was rather surprised when I said I was calling to invite her father for Ammu's engagement! She seemed to think that it was too early days yet for me to be changing status from father to father-in-law! But then again, that's what is on the cards so whether I like it or not or whether I'm old enough or not I am going to be father-in-law soon enough!
Funnily, it was just the other day that Sudha and I were talking about parent's age when kids get married and she came up with the fact that her mother was a grand mother before she was 50 and here she was turning 50 and her kid will just be getting married! The saving grace was that as we look around us there are plenty of parents who are well past 50 and the children are no where near marriage!
Good luck to Ammu!