Its that time of the year when one looks back to see how good or bad this one's been. So how was 2011 the year thats just gone by, for you? For us I have to say it was all of good, bad and indifferent! The year began with some promise but the global financial crisis did not seem like it was in a mood to let up and it was beginning to draw Europe into its grip too. Until then our markets in Europe seemed fine and business was not too bad but as soon as Europe seemed to catch that cold we could see we were in for the shivers and as the year drew on we were not just shivering from the effect we were going malarial!
Some travel in March-April to Oz was great because it allowed me to switch off from my business woes in Europe and focus on some good times I had with OGs down under and with biofuels experts across Oz! Its always great to spend time down under because there are so many folks one manages to hook up with that even a few weeks down under would seem like its not enough. Catching up with the Begum, Garry, Noel, Jan, Debbie, Bruce, Jenny Lazaro, Kevin Lewis, Annalie and David and so many others in Sydney was just fantastic. Moving on to Melbourne and I got to meet up with John C-Gita, Trevor-Wendy, Nigel-Di, Peter-Olivia Steers, Rod-Glo and some others. In Adelaide it was great hooking up with the oldest known Old Georgian alive - William Pembshaw and his wife and then in Perth it was the icing on the cake - caught up with Glenn, Cherie, Paul Sargon, Peter Duncan, Dave-Sheela Alley, Howie-Pat Markham, the Cumine girls and so many others.
We had this Himalayan expedition plan in the works for some time and come July things were falling into place for us on that front - our trip to Ladakh and Leh was upon us and boy was it full of excitement. For me that must rate as one of the best trips I have done because those mountains are just so awesome. Most importantly the trip was done with friends from school and thanx to the good offices of the Army we got about to some awesome places.

Some travel in March-April to Oz was great because it allowed me to switch off from my business woes in Europe and focus on some good times I had with OGs down under and with biofuels experts across Oz! Its always great to spend time down under because there are so many folks one manages to hook up with that even a few weeks down under would seem like its not enough. Catching up with the Begum, Garry, Noel, Jan, Debbie, Bruce, Jenny Lazaro, Kevin Lewis, Annalie and David and so many others in Sydney was just fantastic. Moving on to Melbourne and I got to meet up with John C-Gita, Trevor-Wendy, Nigel-Di, Peter-Olivia Steers, Rod-Glo and some others. In Adelaide it was great hooking up with the oldest known Old Georgian alive - William Pembshaw and his wife and then in Perth it was the icing on the cake - caught up with Glenn, Cherie, Paul Sargon, Peter Duncan, Dave-Sheela Alley, Howie-Pat Markham, the Cumine girls and so many others.
We had this Himalayan expedition plan in the works for some time and come July things were falling into place for us on that front - our trip to Ladakh and Leh was upon us and boy was it full of excitement. For me that must rate as one of the best trips I have done because those mountains are just so awesome. Most importantly the trip was done with friends from school and thanx to the good offices of the Army we got about to some awesome places.
Bindu, Sudha, Doc Jimmy, Mary and Sheila at Khardungla - 18.380 feet above MSL
The second half of the year 2011 saw Sudha and me doing a fair bit of travel in the country - I finally got around to spending time with my daughter and son-in-law in Mumbai after almost a year of their marriage! It was exciting because I was going to be spending time with their cocker spaniel puppy named Mousse Nair!

The second half of the year 2011 saw Sudha and me doing a fair bit of travel in the country - I finally got around to spending time with my daughter and son-in-law in Mumbai after almost a year of their marriage! It was exciting because I was going to be spending time with their cocker spaniel puppy named Mousse Nair!
Momma and Mousse Nair
As the year drew to a close the marriage season beckoned - We are at that age when our buddies have children of marriageable age and there is no way we can wriggle out of being at those weddings!
I'm not mentioning the two reunions in the year - both of which were a lot of fun and fellowship - you all know about them so I will not labour the point!

As the year drew to a close the marriage season beckoned - We are at that age when our buddies have children of marriageable age and there is no way we can wriggle out of being at those weddings!
I'm not mentioning the two reunions in the year - both of which were a lot of fun and fellowship - you all know about them so I will not labour the point!
Georgians outside Baba Pujara's home in Coonoor - getting set to leave for the old valley
The children have been good - Ashwin has moved to the Indian Naval Academy as Divisional Officer where he mentors fresh cadets joining the Navy in a spanking new Academy. Am looking forward to going there and checking out the place - Sudha has already done her round of the Academy! Ammu and Arun are good too - they have been getting ready to move base from Mumbai to Bangalore because IBM has decided to move Arun that way. Their lives have been consumed by their little Mousse - its wonderful to see how they are enjoying their first begotten son!

The children have been good - Ashwin has moved to the Indian Naval Academy as Divisional Officer where he mentors fresh cadets joining the Navy in a spanking new Academy. Am looking forward to going there and checking out the place - Sudha has already done her round of the Academy! Ammu and Arun are good too - they have been getting ready to move base from Mumbai to Bangalore because IBM has decided to move Arun that way. Their lives have been consumed by their little Mousse - its wonderful to see how they are enjoying their first begotten son!
Sudha poses at the waterfront at the Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimalai
There are just another 3 days to go before the world turns another year older - allow me to wish you all, wherever you are, a fantastic new year and may there be lots of happiness, health and prosperity in store for all of you.
There are just another 3 days to go before the world turns another year older - allow me to wish you all, wherever you are, a fantastic new year and may there be lots of happiness, health and prosperity in store for all of you.