Its been a while again since I put something down in my blog - guess the approaching wedding of my daughter isn't really helping my writing! The blogger's block is palpable and in my face most of the time because I seem to want to do so many things at the same time and in the confusion that results, writing my blog takes a back seat.
The last two weeks have been hectic to say the least - what with all the travels for one wedding or the other and the kids coming home - its lovely to have both the brats home but I'm not so sure the wife thinks that way about having them both home at the same time! They are two very different kids and pandering to their individual likes and dislikes is a tall order! When they come home they actually expect the mother to be doing exactly what they like!! My mother-in-law is here too - to spend a few weeks with her grand-daughter before she takes on a husband in September! The plan is for Ammu to learn some of her grand-mother's cooking while the old lady is home but I am not sure much of that learning is actually happening!
One of the tasks I am vested with when the mother-in-law comes to Chennai is to take her every morning to the temple in Shastrinagar, Adyar at about 0700hrs - a task I do not fancy because it means I have to hang around outside the temple till she has finished appeasing her God! It always amazes me that the old lady believes that this God of hers actually listens to her and will do his damndest to make sure all her petitions are addressed appropriately! This year however, I notice that the mother-in-law made no such efforts to head to the temple every morning - I dared not ask her why lest I remind her of her usual chores! It turns out that because of a death in her family back in Kerala there is a period of time that must lapse (its called Pela in Malayalam) before she can visit her God again! So this year I am spared the chore of getting my dear Mother-in-law to the abode of her God every morning! Shall we say 'thank God for small mercies'?? Or would that be a mean thing to say given that somebody had to die to spare me the chore? Whichever way I see it I am grateful for the small mercy!
Then there have been all those Georgian visitors to Chennai from overseas - first it was Dr Sam Thomas from Cleveland, Ohio and Glenn Sargon from Perth, Australia. These guys provided us with the excuse to get together again in Chennai after a fairly long hiatus! Boy, was it good to get together again with the old school buddies! Sheila and Doc Jimmy provided the venue for one of the get togethers and Anita and Arun Fredrick opened their home to us all for the second of the get togethers while the third was held on the terrace of the Chater home. The gatherings were well attended and a great time was had by all. The kids joined in and seemed to have themselves a good time too

Bellboys all - PC, Glenn, Sattar and myself